3 Styles of Wakesurf Boards: Choose Your Wave Then Your Board

How Do You Choose the Right Wakesurf board?
Choosing the right wakesurf board shouldn’t be a complicated task. True, but there are so many wakesurf board brands and designs to choose from. There's a secret to picking the right wakesurf board, it depends on the kind of wave you want to ride. Once you decide that, picking your board becomes much easier, because there are only three wake main surfboard styles to select from.
The Three Styles of WakeSurf Boards
It started in the 1950's when wakesurfing was done simply on a regular surfboard. But as the watersport grew and more styles and tricks began to be introduced, riders saw the need to change the shape and design of the surfboard into something that would allow them to either accelerate through the waves to do more aerial tricks and maneuvers.
While seasoned wake surfers may choose their boards based on many nuances---design subtleties, board material, grip type, wake surf fin types and setups, there are, generally, only three styles to choose from.
Epic sunrise wake session on the lake. | Drew Dau | Unsplash.com
Surf Wakesurf Board
Designed after the traditional surfboard, the surf style wakesurf board has a longer body compared to the skim and hybrid styles. It is thicker, albeit lighter, and has longer wake surf fin dimensions. Like surfboards, this style is ideal for riding high waves and can help you accelerate quickly and provide more stability. Ideal for newbies and taller or larger wakesurf enthusiasts.
Stockholm, Sweden | Marcus Lofvenberg | Unsplash.com
Skim Wakesurf Boards
The skim style board, on the other hand, follows the style and dimensions of the skim board (after which this style is called). It is wider and shorter than the surf style wakesurf board. It also has a much thinner body (and is often made from lighter but more durable materials like carbon fiber) and typically has small wake fins. It is specifically designed for performing tricks (especially skim and skateboard inspired tricks).
Surfboarder in Gull Lake | Mike Levad | Unsplash.com
Skim style wakesurf boards are preferred by the more advanced wakesurf riders, especially those that enjoy performing advanced wave riding techniques as well as aerial tricks like shuvits. It is ideal for wakesurf riders of smaller and lighter body builds.
Hybrid Wakesurf Board
The third wakesurf board style is the hybrid. In a nutshell, it incorporates features from both surf and skim styles boards to give wave riders the best possible board for gaining speed and acceleration (like a surf style wakesurf board) and the lightness and strength of skim style board for performing wave and aerial tricks. Many of the boards available on the market are hybrid wakesurf boards and can be used by both beginner and advanced wake surfers. Because of its appeal and versatility, it could be ideal for you to choose a hybrid board that fits your height and weight. You can also customize your wake fin styles and setups for better performance.
Man on wakesurf doing spin on a wave and splashing water on a lake | Jonah Brown | Unsplash.com
Choose Your Wave; Your Board Choice Will Follow
As a beginner, you shouldn’t have a problem choosing which board to use because each style is specifically designed for a specific way of wakesurfing. And as you progress, you will become aware of the nuances found in different board designs and styles --- there are, literally, hundreds. Once you find the wave you want to master, you’ll be hooked forever, and forever chasing the waves for that perfect ride.
Beautiful Georgia weather... | Joe Yates | Unsplash.com